Life isn’t always easy, in fact, I would argue most of the time it isn’t. Everyone goes through stuff, everyone has a story. This is a little piece of mine. At first, I really identified with Joseph. God gave him a dream, he spoke to him in a very real way, with a word, and from a God who can’t lie, a word, or a dream means a promise. Crap happened, but Joseph never let go of his dream. How do I know? When he was in the bottom pit of a jail cell for something he didn’t do and someone said, “I had this weird dream last night…” What does Joseph say? “OMG! Don’t even mention dreams around me, I’m getting as far away from dreams as I can, it was a stupid dream that got me here in the first place!” Nope. He actually said, “You’re in luck, man, I can interpret dreams.” He wasn’t afraid of dreams, he could have let the enemy tell him, ‘You can’t interpret dreams, you fool, remember the last dream you tried to interpret? Your interpretation was totally rejected by everyone you loved. Ev...